Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Thursday, January 31 at 5:22 PM
Today was quite moody or maybe
FUNNY!English ; The MOE officer came again. Lols. Of course, we acted 'guai' again. :D Geog ; Had test! Walau, the answers damn long lahhs. I last few minutes then chiong-ed finish. Should be at least have a pass. ((: Recess ;
Arghhh~ Forgotten to bring calculator and I have test today!! Went to borrow from
JQ. Physics ; Well, did experiments today.
DAMN FUNNY LAHHS!!! I love physics cos
Ruth will make me LMAO! She damn siao sehhs. I always laugh until like no breath. LOLS! We need to run for the experiment. Then I ran with her. She kept making me laugh lahhs!! She didn't say any jokes or watever. I just see her I will laugh liaos.!!! HOLY lahhs. Sadd. Mdm Foo going for maternity leave on Mar liaos. :(( She very good lorhhhh! Hais.. Maths ; Had Maths test. Quite easy lahhs. 8 questions only. :D Then we did fractions thingy. I didn't even understand anything!! So chim nyyas.
Chiminology! o.0 Lit ; Miss Fizhah came in and scolded us.. LOLS. So serious larr.. Then we played
Hot Seat. Miss Fizhah teach us de. DAMN FUNNY! The way the gangsters talk! LOLOLOLOL. Hmmm, maybe going to distribute flyers tmr for the
Spring It Up! . Diao. They chose my flyer! Kns lahhs, I colour until siao liaos then next day tell me is black and white. -.-
Yay-ness~ Tmr got Art! :D
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Wednesday, January 30 at 4:16 PM
Today was quite ok.
HomeEc ; Did theory and went to food lab to cook fried rice!! Lols. Quite nice lahhs. Partnered with LiLing. Then QianQian and Zoey put LOTS of LIGHT soya sauce!! Cos they taught that the rice must be DARK. Then in the end, SALTY LIKE SIAO manns. Chinese ; FINALLY, we started with a new chapter. The story is about father.. Then cher asked us to stand up and tell the whole class about our parents' relationship. Some one said '
我的爸爸每次都很迟回家,妈妈每次都会等他回来,然后他们晚上会在房间里.. Actually he wanted to say chit-chat. But by that time, everyone started laughing liaos. LOLS!! English ; Boring lahhs. Physics ; Did experiment about displacement method thingy. After that, stayed back to help with the newspaper thingy. {Spring It Up!} Stupid sehhs, the karang guni got stucked in the traffic jam. Then had to wait for a long long long time.. Damn funny sehhs, Joan came up with a joke about our SLs. She asked 'What does MingTing sell?' Then we said we dunno. The ans : SPRING! LOLOLOLOLOL!!!! Cos MingTing always jump mahhs. Karina is curry. Then others are quite offensive so I don't say. Actually, today alot of things happened. But I lazy to type it out. Hahas :D Mostly is funny de..
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Tuesday, January 29 at 4:56 PM
Today's school simply sucks lahhs! PE ; Don't want to talk about it. I damn bs cann?! No mood lahhs!!! English ; The MOE Officer came to 'visit' our class. Yeahh, everyone act 'guai' luhhs. Then we did CSI thingy. Hate it lahhs. Cos of something/someone________. Recess ; Quite ok lahhs, normal luhhs. Damn outsiders still not yet come. Shit sehhs. Chinese ; Quite ok, no one got scolded. Maths ; No jokes.. Miss Yap said that we were very talkative today. Lols. Physics ; Mdm Foo didn't come. She asked us to do Chapter 2 workbook. Walau, the class damn noisy siahhs. How to do? Bus-ed home after school.
Watched finish
恶作剧2吻 Ep7 just now. OMG,
Danson's acting a 'gay'! Lols.
Jiro so funny lahhs!
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Sunday, January 27 at 10:55 AM
Arghhhhh!!~ Shit sehhs, I fell down on Friday night when my mother, my siblings and I went to the
pasar malam downstairs. My sis said I was like just walking normally then suddenly just dropped down. She thought I purposely did that before she knew I fell down. Walau! Pain larr! Diao luhhs.
Saturday, 26th January 2008Did homeworks in the morning. Walau, printer no ink siahhs. So went to ama house to print. LOLS. Stayed there for alil while
{lucky ahhs} and went to fetch my mother. Went to
Causeway Point. Had Mac for dinner. Went to Metro to shop for my mother's CNY clothes. She finally bought her clothes liaos. Went to John Little since there's a sale. My sis and I each bought a pair of slippers. We spent a lot yesterday then got the lucky draw thingy. The queue so long he still wanted to queue up. So we went to buy Sweet Talk luhhs. I went with my brother. Then my brother say he saw someone who looks like JJLin. Then I turned to look.
超级无敌像 lahhs!!!! I called my sis to come here to see. She said no lor. Fake lar. She smile until like siao mannns. Watched Romantic Princess outside a CD shop. That part damn funny. My sis cant remember siahhs. Lols. :DOkayys, byebye, gtg watch Why Why Love liaos. :D
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Friday, January 25 at 3:31 PM
Today's sale was ok. But I think we did not earn as much as other classes cos we bought too lil cups! Hais. Before that was English and Maths. Normal la. Then Miss Yap let us go earlier to set up the stall. There's a problem!
NO ICE! Actually the boys went to order from the drink stall auntie, but the ice too BIG. Lols. But anw, the drink was already cold, so nvm. But it would still turn warm after that. Then I think someone go Seven Eleven buy ice.
Always Open, Seven Eleven. Hahas :D Lower sec recess somany ppl crowded around the stall.. Upper sec was DAMN pathetic!!! No one wanted to buy lahhs! We shouted and shouted siahhs. HAHAs :D Half-price lehhs! Actually is $1, become 50cents. Hohoho (: Got one guy he buy from us, then chairman went to give him change. And chairman said to him '
Boyboy , your change.' OMG! Hahas. Then other 'customers' is Miss Fizhah and Miss Lin ask their students to buy one. LOLS. Pathetic sehhs. -.- Missed science lesson!!
Yay-ness~ Too bad, its not chinese. Hais. :D Okayys, bye, going to do homework now.
*I'm stuffed with homework.*
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Thursday, January 24 at 2:17 PM
Sorry for not posting for quite a long time :D Today was not that funny compared to mon&&tues. Mon and tues was freaking funny lahhs!! For maths
ONLY. Don't think I want to type it out cos there's
TOO MANY funny things la!! Today we wrote an essay for the
Chicken Soup for The Soul I anyhow write de lahhs. Then a lot of ppl dunno what to write so Miss Fizhah gave them examples. When she was trying to think, she like use her hands to 'clap clap clap clap clap' then got rhythm. Then many ppl started to clap and clap and clap. Hohoho!! (: So funny lahhs!
Yay-ness~~ Tomorrow got maths! Then I can lmao liaos. Tomorrow selling cocktail to raise funds. Sherry coming to support us!! Hahas :D Btw, Sherry created a blog for our class! 105 rockkkks lahhs!
one.OHH.FIVVE`08Hais, pathetic la our class. Until now only got 4 stickers! omg siahhs! Nvm. Btw,
GOOD NEWS!! Our class is 2nd up till now for the newspaper collection. Now is everyone bring some newspaper or smth. Then on CNY eve, everyone go to a block to collect from the residents.
Yay-ness~~ 2nd
lehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhs !!! We collected $7 while 106(1st) $12. LOLS. Pro la. 3rd is a sec4 class. $6+ !!! So close! Hahas :D I'm trying to find MORE and MORE and MORE unwanted things in my hse. ((: byebye, go do HW liaos. :D
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Sunday, January 20 at 9:18 AM
Yawnnnnn~ Tired! D:
Just came back from
AMK Hub. Went with family and some relatives
lahhs. Bought a pair of slippers. Actually sis was supposed to buy shoes or
CNY. But ended up buying something for myself. :D I just bought my shoes for
CNY yeterday at
Robinsons. Hahas :D Bought an extra bermuda for
CNY together with sis just for in case.
Yay-ness!!!!!! Finished buying everything for
CNY!! Hahas :D My parents are going for a wedding dinner later. So, yepps,
I'm lovin' it. Hohoho (:
ISWAK 2 is so damn
Arghhh!~ Have to wait till tomorrow then can watch.
Siann! Nothing to blog
lahhs ! Well then, I'm going off :D
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Saturday, January 19 at 5:22 PM
So siann lahhs. D:
Hais, siann lahhs. Nothing to do de lehhhhhhhhhs! Hahas :D Yay-ness~ I finished my homework yesterday afternoon!! Then today just slack and slack and slack~ Hohoho (: My phone's songs not updated for 1 month liaos. :D Lazy to transfer into my phone. Lots of new songs waiting for me! Hahas :D Anw, bad news. I think we are going to be karang guni on CNY eve! Arghhhhh~ I want to go back to Meridian! Btw, my dad went for the talk at Meridian just now. He said Mdm Anna Lim perm her hair. LOLS. Mandy told me before but she said she not that sure. Hahas :D Okayys, I guess I have to go now! Dad's nagging at me!! Damn!
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Friday, January 18 at 3:45 PM
Hahas, yesterday's
literature was funny! Miss Fizhah said imagine that an ah beng come into the class and say
'Good Morning class' in a
GENTLE way! Hahas! :D
LOLS. Not going to post about wed and yesterday. Actually today should be 12.15pm go home siahhs. Then got the stupid library introduction thingy. So
MAD about it!!
Arghh~~ Well, nvm. -.-
Art ; Learned about shapes today and Miss Guo gave us two stickers!
Yay-ness! :D {the stickers are rewarded to us if we behave or whatever -.- Every week, the two classes of each grp (lower and upper sec) with the most number of stickers gets the privilege to us the
Student Recreational Room. There are table soccer, XBOX, and a lot of things inside! :D} But I don't think we can win
Maths ; Did sq, sq roots, cube and cube roots. Finished it fast. Miss Yap saw the list that shows which house we were in and she said she also is Barracuda! -.- Chairman also in!!!
Arghh~~ He's so idiot, so irresponsible, and DAMN irritating!! Shit him sehhs. Then Miss Yap said "Cheng Jia ah, I ask you do on foolscap paper you go do on the notebook, later the Barracuda chers ask you do something for Barracuda, you go do for Scorpion how??!!" HAHAS! :D Miss Yap also say before to chairman "Cheng Jia, is do on
FOOOOLscap paper not on the notebook or tissue paper or toilet paper hor!" LOLS. :D
Recess ; Ate and crapped with
CJQ and
Corrinne. :D Went back to class.
Chinese ; Class kena scolded
AGAIN and proceeded to textbooks.
Physics ; Went to lab again and revised on Vernier Caliper.
Physics ; Ate alil and went to play swing with the girls! :D Went to the library thingy after that. Expected it to be at least 30mins. But turned out to be less than 10mins. -.- Hahas. Bus-ed home with LiLing after that. :D
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Tuesday, January 15 at 6:16 PM
Morning Assembly did the
WUSHU thingy. Before that was
Flag Raising. So funny
lahhs ! Karina was the person who raises the school flag. Then when silent reading that time, Sakina waved to her! Hahas :D I say liddat maybe not funny
lahhs, but if you see then very funny xD
Wushu was boring. Then after that was
P.E . We were waiting for the Mrs Ho to come then Sakina saw MingTing. She shouted from very far just to say 'Hi' to MingTing.
P.E ; played badminton and learned some skills.
English ; Haiz, forgotten to do the research on Anne Frank. xP Being punished by Miss Fizhah. But is just standing at the back of the clasroom only
lahhs. :D
Recess ; Cannot find CJQ and Corrinne! Hahas :D Ate and went back to class. Vice chairman {who had the class keys} came back late! xD Kena scolding from Chinese teacher. Hohoho (:
Chinese ; Learned the second paragraph of 应用文. And went on to the textbook reading. A guy read damn funny
lahhs!! He read 金玉堂 into 金王堂
AND 口若悬河 into 口苦悬河. So funny!! :D
Maths ; Nth much. No jokes!
Arghh~~ :D
Physics ; Went to physics lab and did some things about physics
lahhs ! .__. Woahh, so lucky. Just now i crossed the road and the bus came. Yay, no need to wait. :D Hohoho. (: GO do research on Anne Frank liaos. :D
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Monday, January 14 at 4:03 PM
Jocelyn just called to ask whether I want to go back
Meridian to see Mdm Anna Lim. :D
LOLS. If I'm still staying in Pasir Ris, of course I will go
lahhs. But I moved liaos. So, too bad. :D Anw, going to post about today's school. :D Hmmm..
English ; Boring, Miss Fizhah just showed us some slides showing us
what are recounts .
Geography ; Yay! My fav. lesson up till now. :D Learned a new chapter and finished it off by the end of the lesson. :D We are quite fast eh? Finished chapter 4 liaos. :D Ms Sia asked us what is between the Earth's core and crust. Then she say is sweet potatoes. {joking la} Hahas. :D
Recess ;
CJQ didn't come cos of fever. So ate with
Corrinne. Actually wanted to buy
'The Outsiders' but did not buy it in the end cos the queue was simply too long
lahhs. :D
Chinese ; Hais.. Chinese again~~ Don't like the teacher
lahhs. Abit siaosiao one
luhhs. Got one part very funny! She was returning the 应用文 to us. Then she told us some mistakes. There's one guy who wrote 十分想念 to 木分想念.
LOLS. Hahas. :D
Character Edu ; Did nothing about Character edu but discussedabout what to sell during the 25th Jan for 1hour. {to raise funds for the HWA} .___. Lunch ; Same thing as recess. Hahas :D
Assembly ; A cartoonist came and teach us drawings. He's the duno what director of Walt Disney
Asia. LOLs. So funny siahhs. The way he teach us how to draw. The formulae -- Must be big head and small body.
CUTE ; Circle and big round eyes. And two dots in the middle.
COOL ; Add sunglasses to the eyes.
NERD ; Add glasses to the eyes and two teeth sticking out from the mouth.
SUPERNERD ; The glasses is the spiral one and with many teeth sticking out. Hahas. :D He can really draw
lahhs. :D Okayys. Byebye, I go watch my
ISWAK 2 liaos. :D
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Friday, January 11 at 3:56 PM
Hehh, I'm posting to type out the
ALL STAR lyrics. :D Don't want to copy and paste. Hahas. Anw, I have nothing to do too! :D
Song :
ALL STARArtist : Smash Mouth
Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll meI ain't the sharpest tool in the shedShe was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumbIn the shape of an "L" on her foreheadWell the years start coming and they don't stop comingBack to the rules and I hit the ground runningDidn't make sense not to live for funYour brain gets smart but your head gets dumbSo much to do so much to seeSo what's wrong with taking the back streetsYou'll never know if you don't goYou'll never shine if you don't glowHey now you're an ALL STAR get your game on , go play
Hey now you're a ROCK STAR get your show on , get paid
And all that glitters is gold
Only shooting stars break the moldIt's a cool place and they say it gets colderYou're bundled up now but wait 'till you get olderBut the meteor men beg to differJudging by the hole in the satellite pictureThe ice we skate is getting pretty thinThe waters getting warm so you might as well swimMy world's on fire how about yoursThat's the way I like it and I'll never get boredHey now you'e an ALL STAR get your game on , go play
Hey now you're a ROCK STAR get your show on , get paid
And all that glitters is gold
Only shooting stars break the mold*WHISTLING ~ *Hey now you'e an ALL STAR get your game on , go play
Hey now you're a ROCK STAR get your show on , get paid
And all that glitters is gold
Only shooting stars ~Somebody once asked could I spare some change for some gasIneed to get myself away from this placeI said yep what a conceptI could use a little fuel myselfAnd we could all use a little changeWell the years start coming and they don't stop comingBack to the rules and I hit the ground runningDidn't make sense not to live for fun
Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb
So much to do so much to see
So what's wrong with taking the back streets
You'll never know if you don't go
You'll never shine if you don't glowHey now you're an ALL STAR get your game on , go play
Hey now you're a ROCK STAR get your show on get paid
And all that glitters is gold
Only shooting stars break the moldAll that glitters is gold
Only shooting stars break the mold:D