Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Wednesday, October 29 at 3:26 PM
I shall post, since there's nothing to do. Working towards my 100th post, jyjy.
Anws, I'm unlocking my blog. But I might lock it if I have a relapse anytime.
Spam and say whatever shit you want on the tagboard, idc.
KHR rocks lahs, getting more interesting. Lovit:D
I have a reborn skin toos, but dun really like the black bg, maybe changing.
SCV left a few more episode, but I dun think I'll watch it on the net.
So, just wait long long bahs.
I finally bother to find my ball, and I found it.
Too bad, school closed, no chance to play with them:D
zoeyyeo asked me to watch HSM3 tmr, maybe not going?
Not really dowanna go, just feel veryvery tired, dun feel like going out.
Hais, maybe I shall go just for the sake of the film review and
HSM. Dun even feel like going to school on fri.
I feel that my CA2 marks will pull me down, forget it.
There's no streaming this year, so nvm.
Just feeling damn tired today. Shall sleep longer tonight.
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Tuesday, October 28 at 5:52 PM
I'm slacking right now. Did nothing at all besides sleeping, watching tv, and chiong PSP. Haven't started on
The Kite Runner. Decided not to read it. Going to return it tmr. Suay, there's CCA tmr. And it's just for 30mins, go to school specially for 30minutes?
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Saturday, October 25 at 9:24 AM
Wow, one week since I posted:D Last sun went to AMKhub for the whole afternoon and then to compass cos my siblings wanted to return library books and my mum wanted me to borrow books for the hols. The kopitiam in compass opened alr, but the tables are sososo close to each other, so squeezy, no aircon. Ate at AMK so didn't eat. Went straight to library, searched for interesting books but there isn't any. All the books turned yellow, LOLS:D Then I saw my parents, my sis and someone gathering at one corner, talking. I thought that someone was my bro so I just kept searching for books. When I finally found some not-very-interesting books,I went to them and wth, that someone was her lahs! So qiao cans? Last sun never meet cos it was exam period, or else almost every week will meet de:D Hais, I think most of you dun unerstand what I'm talking, LOLS(: Yays, going overseas with them during the hols, like we went to genting last year. ILOVEIT:D Mon went to school as usual, and denys didn't come to school AGAIN): Miss her lahs! Results time, I did badly for Literature, History and Maths. Very angry about maths, 0.2 can get A1. My paper2 damn lot of mistakes. Damn lahs, everyone get 80plus sia, SAD): I did weel for ENGLISH and CHINESE, surprisingly!! Omg, didn't expect it. Miss. showed us this movie about baseball during CE lesson- The Benchwarmers. Seriously, it's damn nice, touching, and VERYVERYVERYVERY FUNNY! Damn funny lahs, everyone laugh like siao! It's really veryveryveryvery funny, everyone should watch it(: After school went to denys's house to pass her some stuff and went compass to slack. Tues was results time again, didn't get to have PE! Wth lahs, but nvm, at least no need to change clothes:D Anws, last wed's cca was a super unlucky. I kena chose for the newspaper article thingy. Kns lahs, I wanna stay at processing team and wrap books all that lahs! Damn the abey, dunlikeher cans. Hais, dun understand right? Nvm, just venting my anger:D Wed whole day had free time, so slacked around, and denys finally came to school! Thurs had admin exercise AGAIN. cls's reaction was damn funneh!! Watched the 2nd part of Benchwarmers. The 2nd part was more touching, not that funny. But overall, The Benchwarmers rocks like HELL, loveit:D Yesterday was the start of hols, but still I had to go back to school just to hand in the dman travel form which I didn't hand in on thurs, wth. Chat with zoeyyeo and rongxuan and met the choir members on the way back. 88-ed with lingling:D I shalljust read books for the whole of week1 of hols. Have to finish reading it and return them on the 31st, the day we get our report books:D BYE
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Saturday, October 18 at 9:37 AM
Back again:D Tuesday's inter-house games sucked. It was supposed to be B's turn to play, then that damn F stood there. Like they so pro issit, go stand there for what shit hell?! It's B's turn to play okay?! Nvm, malay sucked too. That damn malay trainer didn't help our group. Wed had that admin exercise. Luckily the field was under maintainence, or else I think we had to SIT on the grass. The whole thing turned out to be less than 15mins, I think. I thought we had to sit at the carpark for hours, LOLS:D MALAY SERIOUDLY SUCKED. I hate the damn trainer, she kept helping the other groups with their presentation and not our group. We wanted her to translate our script but she was at the other group. We banged tables to catch her attention but she just asked us to shuddup. Hate her lahs! Thurs was a boring day, stayed at home for the whole day. What's worse, my brother was at home-.- Yesterday went to Bugis with zoeyyeo and chiahying:D Took 147 with zoeyyeo, funny things happened, obviously. When we were alighting, it was damn crowded. We duno kena squeezed how many times lah! I think it's because yesterday was dunno which god's birthday and many amas and agongs went to the temple. Sibeh squeezy! Met chianhying at the fountain there and kfc-ed. zoeyyeo bought a MYUK wallet and chiahying bought a MYUK bag, same design. Wahlaos, the Wallet Shop here got so many designs, tm de so little nia, should not have bought it in tmD: Hmm, maybe buying the same bag as chiahying, but white in colour. Then we three will have the same things! LOLS:D I wanna buy MYUK pencilcase again, mine very dirty liao-.- After that shopped again, then took neoprints. OH YAH! We went to the arcade in BHG. Wahlaos, I damn angry canns! We bought tokens worth $10 and there was 4free tokens. We played until left 1/3 then I lost the whole bag lahs! I SIBEH ANGRY): Confirm is some inconsiderate and retarded person took it. Sorry lah, wahpiangs, damn angry now. After taking neoprints, chiangying went home and zoeyyeo and I went to take 147. We were not really sure where the bustop is and we walked for dunno how long lah! Went to the mac beside the bustop and bought food to eat, damn thirsty too. Bought shaker fries, okay lahs. Didn't buy drinks, VERY THIRSTY. 147-ed all the way to interchange and post the letter that my dad asked my mum to post and my mum asked ME to post. Bought drink, finally:D I love Katekyo Hitman REBORN! Sibeh nice and cute, esp LAMBO;D. The songs are nice too, on my playlists. Japanese songs are nice actually, Meteor Garden songs are nice also:D Damn lah, didn't get to watch huayangnanzi anyways. Galileo last ep today, maybe gonna watch:D The next show seems nice, my dad wanna watch it, LOLS! Aiya, Katekyo Hitman REBORN rocks the most(: BYES:D
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Monday, October 13 at 4:41 PM
Boring, but I shall post. Should be just a short one yeah. 5more school days to survive before hols. I seriously hate the post-exam activities. At least they should arrange movie-screening, better than freaking stupid malay. What's more, its that retarded trainer again, I hate her lah. So serious for what? Get your pay jiu shi le mah. I wan slack canns? Let us relax ahh. Anws, today's maths trail sucked. First, it was raining. Second, the whole sec1 express was participating at the same time- crowded right? Suck lah, so squeezy. Got one question on the locker part. And my locker number was in that damn number pattern question. Have to clear my locker before 28oct. Most likely renewing. Hope that there's a PTM, so I can dump al my locker stuff in my dad's car and no need to carry myself:D Hope so.. Sec1 life is gonna end, and i'm seriously excited to be promoted to sec2. 205; nice class:D I love the number 5, LOLS:D Yay, whole class promoted to 205:D I'mLovin`it, except for some reasons which are still bugging me. Actually, it's not so bad lahh, being a senior. Can order the juniors around, like what my seniors did to me this year. Nvm, I do, next year my turn to order them, HAHAHA:D Woots, this fri marking day and next fri hols liao, YAY- no duty! But there's still meeting on wed. Nvm, the last or maybe second last meeting of 2008. I love my sec1 life, and I wish to stay in sec1 forever, although seniors can order me around:D No O'levels:D Good that my friends are still the same next year:D Then I can crap with them:D Better have a major change in the teachers- Maths; dun change (not changing anws,), Form; CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE! Chinese; Dun really hate cls that much now, I want her to be my s2 chi tcher! At least she doesen't slack. History; CHANGE! Cant think of anymore.. Others are still quite okay. Overall, I stil hate xms:D Wells, turn out to be quite a long one, cos of my craps:D BB(:
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Friday, October 10 at 4:21 PM
Yay, EOYs over:D Anw, I dun really feel that happy or relieved, cos I dun take exams seriously. Having exams or not, I think its the same to me, except just reading textbooks for an hour or so. Back to normal school hours now. Got the post-exam timetable today. It sucks, sibeh boring. I think only the maths trail will be fun. Others suck, or maybe the inter-house competition? I dowan inter-house! I wan inter-class lah. Nvm, inter-house jiu suan le, still got malay lessons!! Shit manns, I thought it ended long ago during sept hols. Damn, and there's a malay exam, wth. I dunno anything about it up till now, only panas, which means hot! Lols:D Anw, today had the last paper- DNT! Quite okay, but I got confused about the problem situation and design brief. Orthographic drawing turned out to be easy! Lols, I kept checking my drawing cos I thought that it couldn't be that easy. Nvm, 1hr passed just like that. Me, zoeyyeo, ruyin and denys trained to dg. Went to ps and ate. Regretted eating at that shop. Shopped for awhile then rongxuann and ruth came to meet us:D jean and enhui had cca meeting. They both bought purple rice balls, which looks like black rice-.- Shopped again, played with our balls, bounced it, rolled it, dropped it. Too boring liaos, we went to spotlight. Played with the feather thingy, sibeh funny. Then someone told us to stop, LOLS:D jean and enhui came and we went to cathay to watch movie. Nothing nice to watch, but after that decided to watch 'Welcome to the STICKS'. Shall talk about it later:D Before going into the cinema, we slacked outside. Played balls again:D Saw many people coming in and OMG, I saw my sis. Diaos, wth lahs. She's with her friends. She siad she's gonna watch movie with her friends today but lols, same place-.- She watched 'House Bunny', or issit the other way round? LOLS:D Bought popcorn and drinks. Dun like GV, cathay is cheaper:D After watching, we went back to ps, sian diao liao, so me, denys and ruth went home and the others went to vivo, just to play with water. Wth, it was 4 then, Lols(: Saw a retarded ahpek in the train. He kept chanting to himself and using his hand to cover his face. Funny, he did that more than 10times. Denys went to compass to meet her dad and I went to take LRT back home:D Okay, about the movie.. It was very nice, very hilarious, and full of badwords. We didn't know it was in French at first, lols. Anw, the movie was the France. The french dislike the North and like the South, everyone didn't want to stay int he North. So this person kena transferred to North, and his wife was very angry, LOLS(: He hated North initially, but love it in the end. Omg, its freaking hilarious. I learnt badword in French(: Shit is smth like omanda. Fuck is smth like v...., I forgot. Starts with v jiu shi le. The people who live in that town in North are called Sheutemi. They are freaking funny. They speack French too, but after the letter 's', there will be a 'h'. There's english subtitles anyways. Examples are lishen, offish, bosh and many many more, just that I can't rmbr. Okay, I'm gonna enjoy my after-exams life:D BYES(: Anws, up till now, I still dun get it- what has the story gonna do with the title?

Welcome to the STICKS! Hilarious:D
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Wednesday, October 8 at 3:19 PM
Papers suck, sucks, and sucked. Suckiest thing ever. 2more papers to go, GSpaper1 and DNT. GS okay lah, cos revised for paper2 le, so can roughly remember what I revised, just what I did for maths:D Wth lah, why is there DNT exam? joan said need to memorise all the materials, want to die sia? How to memorise?? Yesterday's maths paper1 was quite easy. Damn, I got wrong for the damn significant figure question, wth. After that satyed back with rongxuann, liling and fongxin. They wanted to do the music project so I just stay with them bah:D Wahlaos, I almost forgot that the music project was supposed to have 4members in a group canns? The other three stayed back everytime to complete it, but what about that stupid and damn proud china person??!! Wahlaos, she never even do anything canns? I really thought there were only 3people in their group. ALL CHINA PEOPLE ARE LIDDAT, so sucky. I hate them. I HATE THEM. Suck lahs, dowan do then dun do lah, dun include you in the group can le mahs!!! Shit sia. Forget it, dun wanna pollute my blog by talking about them. Today's lit paper sucked. I forgot all the codes. Had less than 5codes for the whole paper. Flunking it, anws, who cares? Essay questions sucks. Passage-based questions sibeh hard, KNS lahs. Ate in the canteen then chatted for awhile. Bus-ed home with joan after that. Sibeh tired, slept for 2hours bah. Still, not that pig right? I was really sibeh tired, dunno why. Woots, today is wed! I'm gonna watch mingzhong and not revise for science:D Byes:D Boring-.-
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Monday, October 6 at 3:24 PM
Exams, and I'm blogging:D Who cares, I still use the com everyday:D 3 people online right now. zoeyyeo didn't reply. The other one, uhh, dun even bother to talk to her canns? Chatting with sushi:D Went to school myself today, sian. Science paper2! Read zoeyyeo's blog. YEAHHS, why dun the put paper1&2 together??!??!??! Still must separate. Bo-liaos. Jiayous everyone, 4more papers. Physics was sibeh EASY today. But bio and physics sucks. Very difficult, die liaos. She said stop writing and I continued to write for like 30sec then finished the 3booklets. Bus-ed to kovan with zoeyyeo and rongxuann. Lols, sibeh funny. Shopped around. Saw a REBORN wallet in Comics!!! Ahh, wanted to buy it but the wallet dun have the coins part. I hate notes, prefer to use coins:D Then the other white one was like quite big lah, although it had the coins part. But I dun even know whos the character on the wallet lah. $11.90, cheap ehh. Ask my mum to buy since its so cheap. Lols:D Took the mrt. Funny things happened. zoeyyeo went to topup her card, and the machine sucked her neoprint away. The I used the receipt to poke through the card hole and the machine sucked the receipt away!! The machine thought that it was a card:D MRT-ed to hougang. I kinda hate hougang. I hate this place. Everyday come to this stupid place, Shit lahs. 27-ed home, bangala bus driver again:D I drew my smiley again:DDDD Anws, mingzhong is very nice:D
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Wednesday, October 1 at 8:29 PM
Last post was on friday.. Cannot really remember what I did on Sat. Oh yeahhh, I did that damn music video. From 10plus bah, until 4plus!!! Actually planned to study one lor, then need to do this stupid project. Then after that wtached tv for awhile and went out. Sun did the damn project again, no time to REVISE!!!! Wahlaos, I wanna revise!! Next time I dowan do project liao. Ask them do(: No lahs, jkjk. But sian ah, I dowan do:D Went out again. Came home early to watch F1! Omg, so exciting. Wow, love that Massa pitstop accident. Downloaded it from YouTube and transferred it to my hp(: Thanks to the angkukueh, she asked us to download the flv converter for our music project. And I found out that it can download YouTube project. Lols, dl-ed many:D Mon had papers. English paper2 and HMT paper1. English comprehension was hard. Summary was okayy? HMT composition was quite good. Easy, wrote until very shunshou. Yingyongwen was sian. By that time, I was bloody tired. Write one sentence, look here look there. Left about 20mins bah. Look here look there lor. Went to eat Mac with them(: Came back to school to do the damn music project again. Raining heavily when we wanted to go home. Very heavy, I was drenched. I-hate-it. 88-ed with rongxuann. No papers on Tues. 6periods, boring. PE was fun, I was the 'cone-keeper'. Lols:D Eng had self revision for either EL or E. Hahas, read out 'The Eldest Brother' and 'In The Repair Shop' with pehruyin and denys in a funny bangala accent and singlish and chinese! LOLS, so fun. Science had bio revision. Climbed up to 6th floor-.- Crapped with ruthtoh and jiaying and linliling:D Chinese was super super super boring. Papers over liao, cls got nothing to teach and she crapped all the way. And I was like just nodding my head all the way. Super boring. Maths was supposed to do revision. But some people asked Miss. about some number patterns questions. And the whole class was cracking their brains. Whole period gone and lunch-ed(: I finally finished that damn music project the night before, and we got an A:D Woots. Had nothing to do so the four of us went to YouTube to watch funneh stuffs. Sibeh funny:D lmao-ed. Lazy to go home so stayed back and idled around the IT lab. Actually, I was there to play games. Lols, jr was playing the long-time-no-play-Pokemon-Emerald. Its exactly like playing on a gameboy except it is on a com. Sibeh long never play le, I gong diao liaos. Hehe, started a new game toos. Lame, EOYs period and I'm playing:D 88-ed with lingling!!! Today woke up at 10. Omg, so late. I'm not like some other, ahem, sleep until so late like PIG liddat. Watched tv and read through the History textbook. Went to ama house. Wth, they not in lah. My dad didn't tell them we were going and they went out. Went to the nearby mall and then went back again when they came back. Played Wii, sibeh fun. WiiFitness:D And my damn brother scratched my hand and it bleed.
*Stopping here to revise:D
Back now. Thurs was another longlong day. 7periods again cos of extra History lesson. Chinese has LC. Lols, they just informed us like on tuesday that there will be a LC test. cls say maybe not counted in SA. She let us see our CA marks. Wahlaos, 32/40 for oral nia. Eng had self revision. Science had self revision! Slacked during IT. Crapped with them. Literature had self revision!! Maths had self revision!!!! Lols, during maths was just slacking and crapping. I was seriously feeling damn sleepy during History. Mr. over there explaining and I was looking at ruyin's direction, closing my eyes. Lols:D It ended in less than 30mins!! Omg, fast? Actually wanted to go to lab and playplay:D But it was closing in 10mins time so, forget it. Went home with the usual! Today's paper was little bit above average. Maths was difficult and easy. Some parts were easy ah. Wahlaos, the speed question sucks, I wrong le:D Others still okay bahhs. History paper sucks. The time was toooo short. I chiong like siao. 6marks gone le): The damn inference question. I didn't realise that it was an inference question, I thought it was just a short-answer question!! Damn. Then one of the question I also wrong le. Write until my hand damn pain. Went to hougangmall with them to eat. Looked around mini toons and went home with denys!!!! LOLS:D Must start revising science liaos. Im going to be dead xD

That's my hand, and I forgot that I have the :D on it. On 165!!!
My hand, LOLS:D Denys!!! On 27(:
Woots, the smiley face:D I'm going to draw it again:D
Katekyo Hitman REBORN<33>