Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Saturday, January 31 at 4:39 PM
hellohellohello(: lols. at their house now:D
before coming, i had an afternoon nap, 1.5hrs.
i never knew that i can sleep such a long afternoon nap.
random lahs, byebye(:
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Friday, January 30 at 7:26 PM
hellohellohello:D one week since i posted! happy CNY everyone(: reunion dinner was okay. but there was nothing i like to eat. all abalone and sea cucumber blabla, and i dun even appreciate these food. next day went to temple with dad's side first and went to mothers side. damn crowded in a small flat. preferred last few years, when my granparents haven move house. damn shiok lahs, the hse so big one. and i rmbred i swept the yard floor. and i was sweeping like so happily cos thats the first time i swept(: collected angbaos, blabla. and my uncle and us were 'blamed' for being abit late cos they wanted to kaitai alr:DD so we faster eat, LOLS:D and they started gambling. sibeh sian, so i watched my mum play. then my cousin was preparing the healthy yusheng. he made it himslef cans. SUCH A BIGBIGBIG PLATE. i think the plate is the size of a bus's wheel. and i didn't even eat can. hate eating yusheng. and they gambled again. my mu left and i took over her place. wasai, gamble until i shiok lahs! won a few dollars in the end. next day went to ama's hse. spammed wii and gambled again. play there not fun de, must play with mother's side, damn fun. hais, then wed go sch liao. suck cans. damn tired. kns, ccm change to every fri. WAHPIANGS, eat up our break again, kns. just now had cca, and it was boring. facebooked and msned in lib! LOLS! bb, lazy to post alr.
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Sunday, January 25 at 11:07 AM
you suck okay?
such a bitch.
nobody even wants to fight with you.
kpkb so loud for what?
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Saturday, January 24 at 1:37 PM
okay, i've been quite lazy to post lately. busy facebooking and staying back just for the sake of staying back. zoeyyeo's staying back everyday now, to do hw so i shall stay back with her? fun lahs, cos the whole school was like damn quiet(: yesterday rocked. and i suddenly remembered what ruth said. i dun rmbr when it happened but it was after mt when we were dismissed. we past by 102 and their CNY decor was 102 rocks at the outside and ruth suddenly said 205 stones. HAHA, nice one yea(: okay, back to yesterday. first was bio and the damn sun was shining directly on me and zoeyyeo in the bio lab, so we squeezed at the side of the table. crapped alot and i dun understand what retardwong was saying, not to mention cindyoh. and yah, i rmbred smth again. the staff board was updated. clementt photo's up there. then it was mt, xls gave us a choco:D skipped 15mins of mt and went for recess. bought two packets of ovalteenies to eat in the hall later:D i like it yo, the fact that we were not sitting in one straight row per class like we normally did if the whole school was to squeeze into the tiny hall. this year's CNY celebration rocks:DDD not really, but its just so damn funny. and yea, qianqian was the MC. others were not funny. only 202 and 203's advertisement was HILARIOUS. damn *ucking funny! i laughed like a madcow. 203: ok, the adv was about the family eating this reunion dinner and two GUYS kept talking in the opera style. well, that's not the funniest. there was one guy without a chair. and i duno what the adv was talking bout. but there were two tables and each table took turns to act out smth. and the guy was like doing ma bu for damn long. not only that, he dun even have chopsticks and bowl so he had to use his hand o_o and aft that someone came out to give him a chair. HILARIOUS LAHS! 202: it was abt isaac newton and he was watching this bull fight on tv. and those two bulls fight until so dman funny lah, shaking their bodies!!! :DDD and wahpiangs, they still go slow motion for on more time. but i turned to look at the judges, they were like no reaction-.- damn funny okays??!! and there was a upper sec class. two guys acted as ladies in the adv(: ok, my butt was damn pain and my legs were numb after sitting for like 2hr plus. went out to eat lunch and the others ordered banmian again-.- like wth, they know it will damn shit long and they sill ordered. in the end, the food came like about 10mins before lesson starts. and they were like chionging! HAHAS:D ran back but tchers haven come yet:D and i had time to refill my bottle. jacksonng put ruth's cookie monster under his armpit. OMG, i screamed. pity the cm): went for duty aft that and mdm asked us to go back aft less than one hour, suprisingly o_o then went to canteen and did homework, slacked and blabla with zoeyyeo. BB was having s1 orientation party and i cant believe that clementt's BB. Lols, he has this affinity with clementg lahs. and david cried, for dunno what reason. LOLS. they ate yusheng during the party!! RAWR. nice time looking at the staf board with zoeyeo and we saw many strange ppl! played swing and went home. hahs, clementt really ride a bike to school, like what sakina said, LOLS. hope 205(stones) can win the SRR for next week. cos this week's our record. 18signatures? or maybe one less or more. RAWR:D byebyebyebyebyebye:D HAPPY CNY everyone:D
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Monday, January 19 at 7:25 PM
RED CLIFF II ROCKS:Dwatched Red Cliff II last saturday and it rocks lahs! actually when my dad suggested watching i didn't really want to watch cos i didn't watch Red Cliff I. but actually both stories dun really have any links cos i understood the story after watching the second one. just both parties fighting and all that. ROCKS MANZXC. zhugeliang and his partner was like damn funny druing the fake arrow war. LOLS:D the movie just rocks like hell lahs(: ----zhoududu:D
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Friday, January 16 at 8:06 PM
it's a one to one thingy,hello hello hello. 4days since i blogged! lols, just lazy and another reason, i was playing pet society. although its kinda lame, but still quite fun lahs. i have a good news, good news to me! new cca roster up! and i was supposed to be on mon, with jennifer but nazeha cannot make it on her friday so she exchanged with me PERMANENTLY! damn shioks lahs! fri is the most shiokest day lahs! cos got meeting so no need to do duty, lalalas~ and joan is on fri too. AND! sorry jennifer, cos i pangseh-ed you and stop saying that im evil, you dumbdumb! today was an ok day. just that my ahyue came yesterday morning when i was on my way to school on the bus, wth. but luckily not so jialat like ruth's, and i was damn pekcek. and there's a new? toilet at the back staircase there. its not new lahs, just that its closed for a very long time and its opened now. damn clean, with 4cubicals:D 2hrs of DNT sucked and i didn't know how i actually survived it. recess sat at the back and crapped with zoeyyeo and chiahying. some veryvery spastic sec1s were playing with the longjump sand at first floor. and the boys scolded them. wth, act big ahs? but those spastic sec1s kept playing and throwing and digging the sand. WTH, nv see before sand meh??!! S-P-A-S-T-I-C. langarts was okay and we did this speech about starting school late. wish it was true lahs! and mslim showed us the AF movie. oldmjor had this SLIMYSLIMY nose-.- damn erxin. reading sucks. yurni has attitude problem and she doesn't smile at all. hate her yo. ate lunch and once again, the zoeyyeo and chiahying pangseh-ed us and went out to eatD: went up to help the classrm decor since there was nth to do. damn shiok lahs, and our class was like sibeh united lahs! and we crapped alot, like we didn't do a great job for classrm decor last year beocs of fizhah and the hamper thingy and blahblah~ damn fun! history was funny. ahboon scolded three people. jiongrui and two other ppl who were walking outside. and wth lahs, after he scolded, he still apologised! WTH, hes a teacher lahs, but hes a young one and hes got 'manners'. went to cca and helped with cny decor again. today slacked damn lot lahs. sakina came to take pics and crapped with her, kept slacking and slacking. when it was time, jr opened the classrm and i sneaked out a few times to help in class:D mslim dropped by to look at our progress. i must say that this year's decor is damn nice lahs, esp the puzzle thingy. 205 rocks(: after cca went to help again. and i pasted all the fishes outside the classrm. but i bet when we go to school on mon, ALOT of fishes will drop one lahs. look at my masterpiece!!:D

205: Happy牛year<3333
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Monday, January 12 at 4:14 PM
hello hello hello. lols, i love saying a word for many times:D well, did not get to watch movie yesterday): no time lahs. afternoon met them at jiawei and her mum at pasir ris for a haircut. waited for damn long manzxc. maybe 2-3 hrs? bought bubbletea with jiawei and played that 20cents machine and stacker! stacker damn shiok lahs. actually damn easy to play one, but the stupid music make you so nervous. and i think i use earplug the next time i play. after that went to jiawei's house and did alot of craps. dinner at bedok and went to library. and she finally returned me my tuesdays with morrie after such a long time lahs. then went home alr(: took the same route and we were like waving to each other along the way and thats what we always do:D this morning sucks lahs. mrs yeap asked us to 'rehearse' for the national anthem and school song. but luckily we got to sit down first cos we were close to the sec1s and they tought we were singing. other classes had to stand and continue to sing:D did lame stuff during mt again and then the whole period ended. maths was okay and proportion is finally easy to me:D stupid zoeyyeo and chiahying! pangseh-ed us again during recess. EVERY TIME LIDDAT ONE. pangseh us! wahpiangs, dun like them alr, LOLS. went to find rongxuan and we crapped abit(: then went back to classroom and saw jennifer and boys playing balls(: and i found a red ball on the floor and they started playing with it. fun watching them:D assembly was short!!! CE was boring and sakina!'s the new chairman, LOLS. and ruth kept sabotaging ppl, including me-.- langarts was sibeh boring. after school ate mac with zoeyyeo. did maths after that and went home:D byebye, i go facebook liaos(:
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Saturday, January 10 at 8:40 PM
DA mouth's song(:sian, today didn't meet them agains.
but maybe tmr watching movie with them(:
ponyo or maybe redcliff II?
lols, zoeyyeo, cannot watch with you-.- ps ahs.
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Friday, January 9 at 6:10 PM
yesterday was such a boring day. but just that the ccm period was cancelled so we got to go home 1hr earlier, if not, it was supposed to be 1615, DAMN LATE LAHS. had pe but we just took our height and weight. 161cm:D and stupid zoeyyeo taller than me by 5cm, wth. music was funny too:D omg, today rocks lahs!! i love today:D funny and shiok day! retard wong didn't come and mrtoo was here to relieve!! MR TOOOOO~ too bad, he's not teaching us this year. but i bet no one wants him to:D did a worksheet and slacked. mt was lame lahs, xls asked us to do lame stuff. i prefer cls!!! argh, recess was 30min nias. next was appsc but no tcher came in lahs! free period for 1 whole hour:D damn noisy and two tchers came in, lols. adn the choir members were singing, damn funny manzxc. langarts rock manzxc! DAMN FUNNY! i dunno why, but its damn funny and i was the only one who laughed soooooo hard. did the russian revolution q&a and my group won and many things happened. DAMN DAMN funnys:D went out for lunch and then played playground, lols:D me and joan poked others buttocks! hahs:D and we were screaming and blabla~ went back to class and the choir mems were practising agains, this time with more ppl and i felt like laughing when i saw them singing:D DNT sucks lahs, damn boring, i laid down onto my desk and closed my eyes for awhile. and i saw zoeyyeo doing that too:D yays, after that zoeyyeo and rongxuan pei-ed me do duty! tqtqtq, zoeyyeo and rongxuan are nice ppl!! wrapped books and gossiped(: rongxuan got an elmo hp strap but the elmo dun look like elmo, lols. and im gonna buy zoeyyeo's blogshop hp strap. shes got the lollipop and i want that monkey:D and shes seriously a nice person, selling me at supplier price!! YAYS, TQTQTQTQ(: damn guai ah, zoeyyeo:D helped to shift all the furniture in lib and zoeyyeo and rongxuan started to zilian and i joined them:D damn spastic-.-

rongxuan, zoeyyeo and me:D
and my socks looked damn high-.-

and i think the brown thing is the chair-.-
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Wednesday, January 7 at 8:36 PM
wow, i didn't break my promise:D today's first two periods rocks the most lahs! maths and history. whether you like the subject or not, it really depends on the teacher. cos i kinda stop hating history now:D 1. the teacher is not an OLD one, and he's quite funny(: 2. maybe because we are learning about SG's history and it makes me more interested compared to china, india and SEA. but overall, 2009 still sucks. morning MT reading period was damn boring and there's attire check tmr-.- im never never never never never going to the library during my precious onehour recess!!!!!!!!!! i hc alr lahs! kns lahs, take away our precious resting time and asked us to help out for 30mins. then whats the point of having onehour recess? for people to enjoy while WE do the hard work??!!
fuck. its called wasting of time. might as well close the library during recess since YOU dun allow pupils to borrow books during recess. wdv, im just not going to step into the library during MY recess. its MY recess, and YOU cant take it away okay? and during mt, xls said that cls had some sickness and was going to leave the school. so she asked us to fill in a worksheet writing wdv we wanted to write. and me and chiahying were like damn angry/sad/pekcek. and we kept talking about cls, she rocks canns!!!!! i want her to teach us this year): and we really wrote our true feelings can and in the end, xls told us that cls is not sick and is not even leaving the school! wahlaos, cheat our feelings and made us waste so much of our saliva. nvm, since cls is not leaving the school(: physics and science were okay:D cca was seriously NOT OKAY. just HER crapping alot. no mood to talk about it lahs, and im in a bad mood:/
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on at 6:29 PM
I just wanna say that;
Im hating cca more and more.
SHE said that she wanted us to help out during recess.
WTH, take away our resting time?
So what if its noisy during recess?
Do you think we can control the noise level?
Even if we controlled, do you think it can last?
NO right? At most for one minute okays?
And theres duty this week.
Damn not fair, what about those m, t, and w ones?
And I MAY be posting later:/
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Tuesday, January 6 at 4:10 PM
School reopen alr, damn sian! This semester's time table totally sucks! LONG school hoursD: Even other classes can go home earlier lahs! But nvm, just hope that the next sem will be the other way round:D Sat went to my ama house AGAIN cos my sis left siying's twilight book over there-.- played Wii, so long nv play liaos, and my bro's Wii fitness age is 72!! Mine was 40plus? Then ate dinner blahblah. Next day went to parkway first then met jw and family at the ruiji steamboat there. Food was okay:D I wanna go home early cos I dowan my dad to park his car so high up cos Im taking his car the next day. But they suggested to go barrage AGAIN.. That was the third time, damn boring. Went home and slept. Yesterday was just a stupid normal-until-cannot-normal school day. LOLS-.- Hais, today went to school myself): junction and locker and classroom~ blahblah~ Lessons were damn boring. And this year's history tcher is funny!! I like his voice cos he got a damn loud voice, so I wun fall asleep:D And he got rabbit tooth! ppl with rabbit tooth are cute, LOLS:D ATS SUCKS! ANd we have to pay money for those boring lessons. Totally sucks lahs, and that angmoh tcher got that very thick accent and I dun even understand what he said lahs! Pay money just to listen to all the crap and I almost fall asleep manzxc! DAMN BORING. Pay money to sleep nia-.- Byes, no mood to blog lahs. Btw, zoeyyeo has been bullying me since sch has reopened.
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Monday, January 5 at 6:35 AM
using my dad's N85 WIFI now(:
going to school later! Bye.
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Saturday, January 3 at 10:03 AM
random post:D
just to say that i've changed my bs!
to another KHR one.
and it'll be the last KHR skin(:
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Friday, January 2 at 5:21 PM
It's the second day of 2009. Gonna talk about the last day of 2008. So in the afternoon, I watched tv and waited for my dad to come back to drive us to jiawei's house. Went to fetch siying and her bro first:D Did stuff and ate dinner which was delicious:DDDD Then the parents came and we watched tv, blabla. Went down to play for awhile and came back to play mahjong!! Sat at the bed with jiawei and nana was there too for fun. And nana was like sitting at the edge of the bed and then she SUDDENLY just fell of the bed!! OMG, scared me like hell manzxc!!!! And she started crying when everybody rushed into the room. But luckily she hurt her back, not the head(: yea, then countdown and watch the fireworks. And I thought there was a 'U' fireworks, but it was just that NTUC building at the background, lols:D went back at about 1? And,
happy new year:D next day went to my dad's friends house for her baby's first month. Then drovw his another friend back and went to my ama house. Damn sian, then me, my sis and my shenshen walked to jurong point 2. Lols, the new one was like okay lahs, nothing much. I mean its big lahs, but shopping centers are shopping centers, nothing new. then shenshen said her legs were tired so we went to Haagen-Dazs for a rest. Ice mocha:D Yea, and I dunno why we drank coffee when we were going to eat straight after that, lols. Then three of us went to that chinese restaurant, pioneer wharf, and waited for the others to arrive. And that damn restaurant had no reception and I had to go out to contact my mum to tell her where we were so that she could come and meet us, LOLS. Damn pekcek, just now at my dad friend's house also no reception-.- me and my sis went to toilet but there too many ppl so we went around the whole mall to search for a toilet with lesser ppl and in the end, we went to the first toilet we found. WOW-.- The food was nice, especially the steamed fish and the bill was NICE too. After that went home alr. Last night, I went to bed at 1030 and I fell asleep at around 3am. Wahlaos, damn pekcek, I wanna sleep lahs. This morning met zoeyyeo at junction and she was late as usual. Okays, I dun blame her cos 1. I very used to it alr, HAHA 2. Her dad woke her up late, LOLS. Walked to school discussing about sch reopening on a friday. Went to parade sq. and saw lots of juniors. But I seriously dun like the material of the skirt, ours is better:D Back to classroom, lots of admin stuff. And YAYS, recess is ONEHOUR from this year onwards. Lols, I find onehour too long, maybe 45minutes? Sat in the hall for a whole THREEHOURS to listen to all those crap talks, and the discipline talk was especially LONG..... Dismissal time and went to bought stuff at the bookshop. And I finally saw rongxuan!!!!!! Ahs, hughug:D Aw, she has to help out at the sec1 orientation and so wont be seeing her much the next few days): Anws, I'm sitting with lingling AGAIN, and at exactly the same seat AGAIN. zoeyyeo and denys are sitting so farD: Pei-ed zoeyyeo and RING eat their lunch at a china shop. And their service was lousy. Pangseh-ed them and went home to watch my tv(: okays, its a long post, bye. zoeyyeo flooded by tagboard and I flooded her more.