Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Friday, February 26 at 10:20 PM

RT @
twelfs: AWESOME !! RT @
#SuperJuniorTrot at NO.2, Rokkugo at NO.9, Heechul at NO.10! @
Wheeeee, yesterday was superzxc fun! Trending #SuperJuniorTrot & watching live streaming of M! Countdown~ KARA AND T-ARA COMEBACK STAGE. HOTHOTHOTHOT. I spammed the chatbox at the streaming site. LOL, I anti-ed every group :P Fun shit. Lupin is so loved ♥
T-Ara was whoot, hot. Even randall said he's liking them more than SNSD~ O.O
So anw, ytd was
#SuperJuniorTrot's 3rd anniversary!
♥ Trendtrendtrend! Reached #2, worldwide and lots of places/cities at #1 :D Then suddenly, Heechul & Rokkugo trended LOL. Lucky me (:D), screenshot it! @
twelfs was looking for it, so I uploaded it, muaahahha. They RT-ed it, people RT-ed, hahahahaha! Got many mentions~ Yea, I'm happy these 3 trended! It's always Heechul who appears on the TT list. He's famous, in China, because of Hankyung, who keeps mentioning him as a very good friends to his fans :D SJT FTW. Look at SJH, so peaceful and full of happiness without Heenim. But SJT is so cranky with HC, LT, EH, SD, SM, KI! Omg, I love them!
I'm so obsessed with T-KARA now. T-ara + kara :D Lupin
♥ is written on my table, LOL. So addicted with it now~ Rongxuan, randall and justin went for BEG fansigning T_T Didn't go, super lazy. Plus I wanted to watch MusicBank, T-kara's comeback stage, but I MISSED IT IN THE END COS I HAD TO GO OUT FOR DINNER. Double sadness ):
Today's cca was lame. I don't like what my group cooked. I don't like the weather. I don't like her for crapping so much that I missed MB. This weekend's going to be a busy one. SHIT 2D1N STARTED ALR, BYE.
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Saturday, February 20 at 9:34 PM
I keep RT-ing tweets/updates about
#ss2taiwan by @twelfs! Taiwanese are so lucky T_T *OMONA, Heechul and Marry U trended! HAHA RT:
Heechul, I wanna Marry U on #ss2taiwan!Haha, long time no blog. Lazy :P CNY over! This year no fun, don't have CNY atmosphere, and shoo, CNY is over~ First day - Temples > waipo's hse. I won 58$ :D Second day - ama house > 313@Somerset > Branden's house. I lost 6$ T_T Third day - Stayed at home and chionged hw! Haha
Wed was 1/2 day! Watched 72 Tenants of Prosperity with enhui, jennifer & rongxuan! Not bad, quite funny. Rongxuan damn funny la. I was talking to her on the phone to ask her if she wants to watch percy jackson. She said: HUH?! What's percy jackson?! I only hear before jackson ng lah! OMFG, FUNNY HAHAHA!
Friday was okay. Just when I started liking CCA more&more because of the crazy juniors/seniors, she had to spoil my mood. So, we had to redo the WHOLE newsletter because of her, she insisted that we print it out for her to edit, that's how we lost the file. Her fault her fault!!! > Music Bank!
Went out with enhui just now! My mummy :D Actually is I want to collect my superjunior albums, so I asked enhui to come with me :D Zoey was supposed to come too, but she overslept o.o Hahaha. 313 > City Link > Bugis Junction > Iluma. YAY, finally collected my albums! Asked enhui to pass rongxuan's to her during church. Her reaction will be like AHHHHHHHHHH! Hehe, love my Sorry, Sorry Edition C! The photobook & photo diary are simply OMONA. *Rx's online now, ROAR all the crazy comments from me and her comes out. Now I can't decided whether I should play the CD, hahahaha, cos I can't bear to play it XD
Bought rubi shoes, like finally. Dirt cheap can, haha I'm so lucky :D Me and mummy were having stupid flu. It seems like me and her are ALWAYS & FOREVER stuck with flu and tissues HAHA! She ran out of tissues, I was left with only a few pieces. So she went into watsons and bought one whole big packet LOL. Shopped around blabla, legs super tired. Went over to Iluma. Suddenly saw comicsc so went in. Stayed there for very long, because.. Omg, they updated so many things. ALL the 3R photos are new, but price increased to 1$ for one, damn ex T_T Bought 5. Chiong to meet enhui at bugis MRT. Gah, I made her late for church cos I stayed in cc for too long, SORRY!
Solo-ed around compass point for awhile and waited for dad to come and fetch me, then my mum. Comicsc again, another 5 3R photos, there goes my 10bucks. Went to hougang mall. Ah today super tired T_T But I don't feel like sleeping :O Relatives coming to my house to 發财! Yay, I can gamble :D I wanna win, but I don't even have one Ferrero Rocher with me now. I need it to win, seriously.
Haha, I love my current MSN dp, so cool :D I took 1hr 30mins to type this whole thing out. Slow right? Busy die me. *@younhaholic unnie thanked me when I @younhaholic her to ask her to take care of her health! :D Don't go fainting during performances again D:
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Friday, February 12 at 9:33 PM
#kpopfansunite TT of today (:
Fuck, ama's here. Why must she come over?! Nag, nag, and nag. I feel like standing up, go to the living room, slap her in her face, and call her to SHUT DOWN. Irritating shit. Oh you know, I have a fucking crazy maid. She bought a hp secretly, wtf. My mum found out, how pro :D OMFG, she took vids of herself singing to the hp, sing until zaosia somemore~ WTF RIGHT?! Ah, my mum says she wants to send her back. Yeah good, I hate her, like I care if she's gone. BUT, my mum decided not to have maid anymore, meaning I have to do houseworks?!?! What the fuck, I can't.
Spring It Up II :D So fun (: Celebration in hall for 1hr plus first. Haha, the lion dance damn lol, one lion stopped dancing when the whole thing was still going on~ Chinese Dance performance, then off to SPRING~! :D Grouped with ruyin, jiaying & desmond. Desmond damn LOL can, kept doing LOL stuffs, HAHAHA. Pathetic, 13th floor got only two small stacks of newspapers :O Came down within five minutes, then Mr Rodrigues was like huh? Went to another block, haha :D The other block got MANYMANY. Had a super hard time bringing them to 937, and then to 944.
Hehe, I felt super 无力 when moving all the things man, ah I became weaker ): Bought bubbletea @ hgpoint and whole class were late for fire drill. The sun was bloody hot. Went up to hall, yay there's aircon :D Sat there, they gave us oranges. Went to enhui's house with bitch, jiajia and huixin. Hahahahaha, mummy nv give me angbao, I sad ): Homed with huixin cos I wanted to watch music bank! MB was nice today. Ah SNSD won again~ Blabla, off to play audi. NEW PATCH, ALL FUCKING NICE SONGS. ROARZX, wo lai le (:
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Tuesday, February 9 at 7:47 PM
Yay. Happy
#beijingfriedrice Hangeng :D
Heechul (carrying Heebum in his hands):
Hankyung ah, Heebum wants to eat #beijingfriedrice for breakfast.
Hankyung: -.-
It's you who wants to eat it right..?

Saengil chukae :D 庚宝!
Come back NOW, Heechul misses you that he's going to start climbing walls.
Week 6, super duper fast. SS test tmr, EMaths test on thurs T_T Should study, so I can have a happy CNY. Angbaos, here I come (: I have a photo to post:

It's jennifer, who looks like a hamster in this photo :D
You think so? (:
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Sunday, February 7 at 8:46 AM
Yay, I finally got a Lollipop, blue one. My bro got a HTC Tattoo. So cool, can customise your back cover online and they send it to you. AH I WANT SUPERJUNIOR ONE. I think he's thinking of having reborn as his back cover -.-
Honestly, I don't like the functions ): I still prefer SE more! I don't like the media T_T Ah shit. Earpiece also T_T Aiya wdv lah. Com's taking very long to transfer all my things -.- Shitdie, this week got maths test! I haven't do the chinese summary. Wtf lah, don't even know how to do -.- At least I did the collage for class deco, LOL.
Going for buffet later, wahahahahhahahahaha yay :D
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Friday, February 5 at 9:53 PM
Ah, I have to say that I wanna give up on the SJ graffiti pencilcase. Stupid lah, search for so long ): Hehe, so I wanna buy MYUK pencilcase :D Jiaying wants to buy too! My current one is the super girl one hehehehhe. Stupid randall, he sings super girl as ohmy stupid girl -.- Gee equals to 鸡 lah! Hahahahahhahahaha! And my wookie badge is on it :D
Fine, SNSD won SMA daesang. Ah, wdv lah. I agree the songs are nice, but I just don't like some of them :O Hyoyeon is cool though :D Arhneh, I am so despo for a new phone. So fucked up since I lost my 995 ): You know the functions of Lollipop don't look good to me :O ARHNEH. So long since I used arhneh. So sad now ): SO SAD SO SAD SO SAD. 烦死了!!! 바보 & 병신.
Wah idiot shit man. Was going home ytd. Then halfway on the bus, the stupid bus broke down. Alighted then took 82. Got so many people board the bus so I have to move into the rear right? Stood near the back door. Then this stupid auntie, who kinda looks like gwee, wanted to alight. I think I was kinda blocking her way, BUT OTHERS CAN GO THROUGH WHY CANT SHE? She gave me that tsk look manzxc, I rolled my eyes back to her. Eh, what's her problem?! Make me bad mood -.- Please lor, she too fat cannot pass through isit?! & wtf @ the hamsters' food thingy.
This morning was idiotic. Forgot there was PE today :O Was about to leave hse then OMG suddenly thought of it. Changed in to PE attire in school, blabla. PE was fun today :D Maths, not bad :D Decided not to change into uni during recess! MT was retarded. Sls, you suck. Don't even teach us the skills and dumped us with shit homeworks. Went to give the spring it up flyers with ruyin, yien, seryun, sakina, fx, liling. Liling super funny one lah, shouted our names from first floor. YIEN NI ZAI NA LI??? Then fx like mother can, push her into the void deck. Hahha, so motherly :D
Welcome party for CCA. This year no fun, so boring ): But how cool, I have a korean junior O.O Her name is yesung + eunhyuk = YeEun. Ahahahahah :D Her accent is super cute! Homed early today to watch music bank! OMG U-KISS FUCKING HOT! :D Bingeul Bingeul! Damn nice ah ah ah :D I like Kevin/Dongho/Alex's image :D Eli too! Hot hot hot. I agree that they worked hard for this can can can can can! Missed the last 30mins cos THEY wanted to watching reborn -.- WL EH! Nvm, I'm happy that I didn't miss the U-Kiss comeback stage :D
2D1N here I come. I am very prepared to LAUGH like a fool.
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Wednesday, February 3 at 7:48 PM

#evilmagnaekyu, I love your fucking voice.
Kyu: I'm not using formal language, blabla~ SO ALL I CAN SAY IS, 규현아 생일
축하!(c)ShinsFriendsYeahhhh, I love today. Today is a happy day! ROARZX, #evilmagnaekyu #onlyUKISS SMA! Wahahaha! I WANT SJ TO WIN SMA DAESANG, it's kyu day after all!!!~ Oh, UKISS NEW ALBUM! I really hope they will promote Without You, although other songs are nice too (: And, there's a song named Bang Bang Bang, how cool, IM INSIDE. Yeah, my msn dm for like 1year already, nv change at all. Omo, did I hear fuck in Dancing Floor? Hahahaha! Manmanhani remix isn't bad, it's nice actually :D
Hmm, long time no post! Random sentences. WW team got scolded by her, just bec we didn't say bye to her after CCA -.- I don't know, Lollipop/W995?!?! I lmaoed at my mum's magic, shall show you magic next time, funny!!! M1 having roadshow at my dad's company on Friday, I want a Lollipop. I should really start, like now ): Chinese test tmr bitch. Today, is the day!!! :D
Wahahaha, I accidentally closed this tab just now, glad that it was saved as draft!
Omg, this week is week5 already! So fast ): Week 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 then Mar hols, LOL. I hate the weather nowadays, hot & cold -.- Can't stand it, seriously. I hate going to bio lab. Rodrigues wouldn't change the speed of the fan cos he complains that it's to noisy, while he has a standing fan of his own that he's been enjoying all day. Cells cells and more cells, kill my cells. 3 sciences straight isn't good at all. Ah, physics test ): I spelt linearly with double l but misswong says its okay :D
Ate candy floss and bazhang during recess, hahaha. MT cultural day?! LOL, what has candy floss & popcorn have to do with MT?! MT lesson next. Stupid sls, look down on me when I gave my answer which is exactly the same as the ans key. Why must she look so shocked when I answered correctly?! LOL, I copied last's years answers though :D Mazna late for 15minutes, so I slept for 15minutes :D Misslim every time release us early, hhahaha! Went to find rongxuan and 112-ed to kovan. Ee, I bought 4Minute's disc :D They gave me a poster and now I have toooooo many calendars :O
Whee, met owner and hahahahaha, got our things. But she forgot one item, rongxuan pekcek, hahahahah! She went crazy again. Went home for Dream Team! :D Oh, finally, no more Canada games, I miss eunhyuk! YEAH, REBORN CONTINUING ON CH56! Good and bad ): I cannot watch KBS evening shows if those stupid siblings of mine wants to watch reborn. WTF can, they watched on internet alr lah -.- STUDY FOR CHINESE TEST YEAH, but I shall watch 4M's disc first :D