Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Wednesday, November 24 at 4:14 PM
I wanted to blog, but I have nothing to. Holidays are asdfghjkl-ly boring. Tumblr is much more interesting, lol. Kthxbye.
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Tuesday, November 16 at 11:17 PM
Moving? Perhaps not. I shall see.
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Friday, November 12 at 4:36 PM
Hello. I am eating mentos again. Non-stop.
O level Chinese paper over. Gee gee dot com. I hope miracles do happen because I want my distinction.
Today is the last day of bridging! Yehayyyyyyyyyy. Actually, I dont mind going to school. If only lessons dont start so early. I want to sleep! Transferring photos from camera to comp now. Chou desktop, refuse to read my SD card. I need to switch on the laptop. *** Kay, done. Tagged Huixing on Facebook!
Maths. Mr Lee came in again. "Ms Lim is still not feeling well"~ Aiya, I bet next year, they will say the same thing again. No, I dont get this chapter at all, because I havent learn it at tuition. And Ms Chee's gonna teach Differentiation once classes start. Kay, gg. *I go clean the floor X3, bathe, then continue haha. Mum wants me to clean THREE times walaooooooo.* Kay, so I came back two hours later. i wanted to eat dinner first, but my parents not back yet! I cant wait for next week, because I can cook magie mee for my lunch! And add the Nyonya asam paste that papa bought in Malacca. Hella nice I tell you.
English lesson. Fun, and retarded. I kept laughing. Hahaha. Chem. Grace went through two stupid graphs and gave us free time. What to do? Sleep lah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E.History was okok. Japan, why so ambitious. Then waited 30 minutes for fishing rod, to get report books. Chou fishing rod, he's forever like that. 虽然心里已有数, 但拿到 report book 时, 心情还是有那么一下的不好...
Bused home. I bought curry pok from the minimart and it sucks! When I reached home, I ate the mango flavoured yanyan, and it sucks even more!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not buying it anymore, roar. Wah I decided not to type anymore. I spent more than three hours on this post because I keep stopping. HAHAHAHA.
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Tuesday, November 9 at 6:05 PM
Ni hao. Hao jiu mei he ni yu _ wang lai le. ..............
I changed my profile! Because I am osm. I want to change my blogskin! Not really. I want to add icons to this blogskin, something like my previous one, but I cant seem to do it, roar. Forget it lor.
Happy birthday, Jieling! I wished her a lot of times in school today and she called me laopopo! >:(
Tomorrow is the
big day. I am scared, I am, but why am I not studying.........?
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Monday, November 8 at 4:40 PM
I am eating chips now. You want some? No, Idw to give you. xDDDDDDDDDDDD
Hokay, shall talk about Malacca trip first.
Day 1:
It wan fun(?) overall, but it will be better if mummy went!!!!!!!!!! Woke up @ 3:45AM and met the other two fams at Branden's void deck > Woodlands Checkpoint > Shell patrol station. Bro went to Jiawei's car and Jiawei came to my car (Y). It rained, I think. Played Bonamana album! Lol, dad asked me why there isnt Sorry, Sorry!
One hour~ Stopped at Yong Peng for breakfast. Luckily we didnt stop at the bus station kopitiam side aka fly-infested kopitiam. I ordered barley aka TASTELESS barley water. Ate noodles and it was another one hour plus to Malacca~ LOL Dad sang One Fine Spring Day hahaha. Stopped at the usual TKH shop and bought 土产! Then we went to hotel, put our things, and went to shopping center! Shopped with Jiawei and her mum, had chicken rice for lunch, blablabla. Played arcade with the guys. Basketball and car racing!!!!! Then, iforgotiforgot. Had Nyonya dinner! Walked to Jonker Street. Woohoo, Jonker Street my favourite ah, but its super squeezy... Birdssssssssss flying around, luckily I nv tio bird shit! The other time, Branden kena TWO times hahahahaha!!!!!! Yesssssssssss, and I finally ate that potato twist thingy again. Jiawei's ama bought FIFTY packets of caipoh, keesiao! Drank lots of bottles of cocktail (Y). Ite, bought a pair of slippers nia. -_- Went back to hotel, bathed, and went to their room. Watched MJ on ch5, and was laughing all the way at retarded stuff HAHAHAHAHHA! Slept early!
Day 2:
Those pigssssssssssssssss. They cant wake up early for breakfast. Me and bro woke up at 9 and I thought that was late already lol. I ate laksa. Super spicy laksa. Then went to shop with dad. He didnt manage to buy the thing he wanted at Jonker Street because they didnt had the Doraemon one. We went to this shop and bam, there's Doraemon!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now his car is Doraemon-ed. And I bought my 1000pieces puzzle frame!!!!!!!!!!! For RM20, which is like SGD10, eh no SGD8+. Freaking cheap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I saw a frame of the same size in some puzzle shop which costs $60+ O_O
Oh, Jiawei super suay. Her "friend" came, so she cant go for swimming. I decided not to go too because I AM LAZY. All the guys and Brenna went to this "Wild Wild Wet" kinda thingy for the whole afternoon. We went for lunch at some awesome restaurant! PIG. I ate roasted pig. Delicious like hell. Too bad for the guys because they dont get to eat. We met Jiawei's relatives (I know them too, haha) and had lunch tgt too, then we went to some open market tgt. Eden was tooooooooooooo cute. He played PSP on the car (traffic jam ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!) and kept on shouting lol. LOL he calls that black thing in LocoRoco "Black squishy Indian" O_O
Spent quite a long time there because of the traffic jam haha. Aiya I forgot what we did. Anw, the guys say the water theme park not that fun. Heng ah!!!!!!!!!!! At night. We played poker in the room hohoho. Damn fun, and I laughed at almost everything. We were playing B&W to decide who to start first... And I randomly said to my bro: Eh 你的手很像 Indian 的手 leh. LOL seriously, he became shit black after that afternoon. Slept!
Day 3:
Breakfast. Same thing. Those pigs couldnt wake up, although they said they can/will. Last minute shopping! Me and bro bought nike shoes for our HK trip. :DDDDDDDDD Lunch at some Teochew restaurant. Hao chi. And the bosses are good people! I refused to go to the toilet because it was so smelly and dirty. Endured for two hours and we finally stopped for toilet break T_T Cont with car journey again. Halfway, Jiawei suddenly said: Eh got rainbow leh! LOL I thought she was kidding, but it was true. Awesome. I saw a rainbow. I played Super Show CD all the way and apparently, dad likes Super Junior T songs LOLLLLLLLLLLLL. Dinner-ed at somewhere near ahgong's house and byebyeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
This morning. I woke up. The weather was freaking cool and shiok. Walaooo, I want to continue sleeping T_____________________T bobian, got bridging shit. So I "happily" went to school. Boarded the bus, and I realised I lost my 10 bucks. It flew away. Next thing, Seryun told me Jieling's birthday is tomorrow. Point is, I brought her present out already. I ALWAYS THOUGHT IT WAS ON THE 8TH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wah, I am the best. Blablabla, lessons. Boring lessons. That maths relief teacher was funny though. Pallallellogram. Roflmao.
Zhi duan qing chang, _ _ _ _ (I forgot what comes next). Wo hao lei, wo qu shui jiao.
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Thursday, November 4 at 10:31 PM
I find 417 a familiar number. o_O
I think my parents are going crazy because me and my siblings are all playing Bejeweled on three different comps/laptops tonight. All the sound effects, woah. I muted mine though, because the sound effects scare me sometimes, lol.
Good. First week of Bridging shit ended. Today was another two hours of Chinese lesson. I completed the Binomial Theorem homework during Chinese! I spotted a mistake already, but I'm lazy to change it, so I shall just leave it as it is. Side track for awhile, WHY TODAY SO HOT AH???
I drew my eye during recess. I feel so artistic! In the end, I drew it for nothing because fishing Rod didnt even use it or collect it. E.History at AVA room, but Mrs Goh was late for like 20 minutes. Seryun sat beside me and she kept dozing off! I saw how her head move and I imagined myself doing that. I sleep most of the time, anyway!
Biology. Practical. Fishing rod became black. I think he was painted black. Anyway, his face is forever black what. Lian chou chou! Did practical with Ruyin, and I must say that the diulian disease spreads. LOL. Physics. I drew my curve on the graph paper at the last minute. I am so artistic because my curve is near perfect! Lalala, Physics was boring. I wasnt really listening~
Dismissal. Ate macs with Clover Ruyin Seryun and Valerie. It was fun poking Val while walking to Monfort macs! I enjoy walking fast! Like this is the first time I see people like Alina walking fast. Nah, they walked fast because they had to rush back for some briefing. Bused to compass point with Ruyin and Seryun. Oh, something happened in a 88 bus. There was a police car and ambulance. Wow. So, we went on our secret mission for about 2 hours plus. Still not done yet, 3/5 done only! Oh oh oh oh oh. I tried playing the toy vending machine, the one where you kiap the soft toy up. I GOT A MARIO. LOL. Now idk what to do with it. I tried it for fun because I thought I wasnt gonna get it, haha.
By right, I am supposed to sleep now, because I have to wake up real early tomorrow. By left, I am still not sleeping because I feel weird sleeping at this time. Too early? And I am not done packing for tomorrow! Going Malacca till Sunday, with Jiawei and fam! I am going there to celebrate Deepavali!, like real lol.
I'll miss #5UPERJUN10R! :(((((((((((((((((((((((
Kthxbye. I realised I havent been watching Takgu these few days.
TAKGU YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Tuesday, November 2 at 8:07 PM
Today is so worth blogging about! :)
I took my own sweet time to go to school today. 2 hours of Chinese lesson was spent hitting Rongxuan and vice versa. We were both struggling to stay awake. Sorry lor, its not that I want to fall asleep. But, I'm too tired, PLUS, leemaomao is seriously too boring. I could hear Fls next door, he was dancing and singing. So interesting can! Pathetic us.
Maths. Binomial theorem. Forgot everything I learned in tuition. FAIL. Physics. Dongzhuo was so cute, as usual! Halfway through the lesson, Huixing came in suddenly! SS lesson was crap. But it was nice hearing CP talk. Hehaho! Walked to monfort macs for lunch, with Alina Huixing Seryun Vivien Wanting. Seryun went home first. :(
Today super unlucky. I stepped on chewing gum, I think. Wah, pekcek!!!!!! Bth, cant clean it off my shoe. Y SO SUAY. EYES Y U NO SEE PROPERLY. LEGS Y U NO WALK PROPERLY.
Ate mcspicy hehehe! Huixing bought TWO meals. O_O HAHA. Alina and Wanting left first. Me, Huixing and Bibienbong chatted for idk how long. At least an hour bah. Gossiped a lot, hahaha! About teachers and all. Lets talk more in the future! :D
Evangeline Bang Tan likes this (Y)
Cute rightttttttttt!
Mukuro! Ah, I shall buy the keychain and hang it on my new bag, that is after I buy one lol. And I'll buy the GIGANTIC size one too. I saw it in comics connection! Hope it'll still be there when I get my ass there to buy it. :))))))))))
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Monday, November 1 at 6:28 PM
Ni hao. Someone stop me from eating mentos prz. I think I am going to finish one whole box of XXL pack by tonight. Diabetes ah!!!!!!!!!
I ate dinner with my parents on Saturday and Sunday, without my siblings! Best part is, WITHOUT SIBLINGS. Fyeah. I talked to dad on the car a lot. Then I told him about the OCBC CC. Mummy says yes lor, but he dw to help me. Oh, I ate some durian strudel thingy. DAMN AWESOME I TELL YOU. YUMMY AH. MUAHHAHA, next morning mum went to buy for me again. Shiok daoooooooooooooooooooooo~ Dinner without siblings too!!!!!! Fyeah, I enjoy being a single child sfm.
2 weeks of Bridging shit starts from today. Woke up at the usual time. I was already prepared to leave house with bro and dad, until dad asked me "你今天不是8点meh?" then I "对hor!!!!!!!!" LOL. I shall wake up later tomorrow. This morning mum nagged and nagged and nagged. Bused to school hehe.
First up was 2 whole freaking hours of MT lesson. HAHA at leemaomao and her De-fu/Da-fu/Dove story! The way she told us the story was super funny, plus her mispronunciation, wah, BEST. And the funniest part is, she still raised her voice and asked us "你们笑什么?!" LOL, obv we were laughing at your Engrish righttttttttttttttt. HAHAHAHAHA.
Recess! Not happy ah, why 30 minutes only, so short! Halfway through recess, Bryan Tan (Ruth's BT) came in and gave us this paper to check our overall marks. HOLY SHISUS, I PASSED ALL MY SUBJECTS, INCLUDING CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS! Thank you Shisus! And I improved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By a tiny bit. Hahaha, I'm happy already. I didnt reach mum's expectation of 65% though. Awwww.
Two hours of English lesson. We went to comp lab. LOL everyone hc about Mr Hu and went to Facebook, Twitter etc, HAHA. Hu bobian, used Junglebyte to deny all access to Internet! >:( I didnt know he knew how to use Junglebyte haha. Blabla, used Audacity to record some oral passage and send to him.
Chemistry next. SPA. Titration. Hokay. Grace Ng, why were you picking on me? Just because I failed Chemistry??? Wdv. Today, you kept "scolding" me, I was kinda scared. O_O LOL. Because I didnt know that you were this fierce. And one more thing, I DONT BELIEVE YOU ARE 27. TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS OLD. ONLY 27???! Wow.
Hmmmmm. After school was WW discussion~ Did the Southern Ridges board. Chou Jennifer & Sakina disturbed me when I was despo to get this freaking thang done asap. Pekcek, dont talk to them, and I went off without saying goodbye to them. -_-
Gimme my dinner, I want my dinner! I dont wanna eat dabao food anymore! I've been eating dabao food for about one month already? Bad for my health hahaha!
Oh! My Shisus