Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Friday, December 17 at 12:40 PM
Hellowellooooooooooooooooooooooo! Zomg, desktop lagging like shit just now. Maybe I'll restart after this post. Posting about Hong Kong trip. Overall, not that fun. >:( Photos maybe on fb, this idiot desktop doesnt want to read the memory card.
Day 1:
Uncle Joseph and Aunty Carissa at our void deck. Apparently their friends will drive their cars back home after we reached airport or smth. Reached airport and met with Jiawei & fam. My 叔叔婶婶 came too, lol idk why. But Richelle (their daughter) is super cute! Her eyelashes are asdfghjkl long. I think about the same length as mine, but she's only <6months> Cathay Pacific. Because CP entertainment system is so limited -.- Watched Aftershock with Jiawei on the plane. We almost cried, then the adults suddenly interrupted the mood, asking us to go to the toilet lol wtf!
Arrived at hk (nice weather), and went to hotel first. Cool hotel, I like (Y). Me, Jiawei and sis one room. By the time we reached the hotel, it was already 5PM? Ate at the shopping mall beside hotel. I can tell you hk's Mos Burger sucks! No rice burgers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???! T_T Hmmmm, then we took some bus to The Peak, wdv its called. No, we took bus to some place, THEN we took a cable train to The Peak. The train was asdfghjkl cool, <45 degrees up. So all the buildings we saw on the way were like slanted. Went to wax museum at The Peak. Kinda boring at the beginning, until I saw HITLERRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! I started taking pictures with him, and with other waxy guys hahahaha. Took the cable train down again, super cool again. MTR-ed back to hotel~ Their train system is so complicated! We already agreed to play poker at night but the guys backed out last minute to watch gdi soccer -_-
Day 2:
Woke up at... I forgot. Whole day was with the tour thingy. The tour guide was super nice, he kept talking about hk NON-STOP. Had dimsum for breakfast, and we went around hk~ Lunch was at 2.30PM wtf! Oh, after that went to the dayushan. Cable car for ~20mins! All kids in one cable car. We waved to EVERY cable car that passed by ours. Some waved back, some didnt. One guy super high, he lifted up his shirt and showed us his body hahahaha!!! Flasher! ROFL. Walked to the Buddha there and nope, I wasnt that stupid to climb 268 steps to reach the Buddha. K lah, I WAS LAZY HEHEHEHE. Took cable car down the mountain. Dad wanted to take photos of us so he went into the same cable car with us. Homg, he made a WRONG decision!!! We screamed like nobody's business in it. FOR NO REASON. Really screaming at our lungs out haha!!! Jiawei and sis did recordings super funny!!!!! Bro's forever the loudest screamer among us LOL. Mum said she could hear us from another cable car, and she said we were like mad dogs rofl. Bused to the jianshazui (idk what) place thingy to watch Avenue of Stars or was it Stars of Avenue? Boring shit. What Symphony of Lights. Just laser shooting here and there. Sentosa one is nicer by 100x. Had wonton mee for late dinner. I swear hk food are all asdfghjkl salty. I think their salt is free or smth -.- Walked to this street to shop. Aye so boring sia. Its smth like pasar malam. And after walking for <30mins, they wanted to eat dessert. Jiawei and I were super pissed. All the adults only care about eating, when we wanted to shop lol wtf. MTR-ed back to hotel. Played poker! Fun ttm! Played the seven game thingy, but it was sis's first time playing. She put three baichi cards and we all laughed like mad. HAHA. Slept!
Day 3:
Disneyland. Cabbed there. Lol Jiawei's dad asdfghjkl funny. He makes me laugh everytime hehe! And he pronounce Disneyland as Dizzyland roflmao. (K now mum is calling Jiawei's mum and I overheard her saying Jiawei and Xianxun are still sleeping. IT'S 2:30PM NOW, I WOKE UP AT 10AM AND I THOUGHT IT WAS V LATE zomg) I dont like Disneyland. Zhen de bu xi huan. Too childish for me, I am so mature. >:D Seriously. Only 2 rides are for us, and they were not even thrilling. Sighhhhhhhh. The 3D theater thingy was cool though. Like when there's water on the screen, they sprinkle some water on you too. And when there's food, you can smell some aroma~ Went back to hotel and had dinner. Pissed again. Because I thought there was finally some time to shop, but ite dinner+dessert until 10pm, all the shop closed alr, shop what shop -_- Pokerpokerpokersleepsleepsleep.
Day 4:
Happy birthday mummy :D Had breakfast at some random cafe. Salty shit again. Took a ferry to Macau. Visited many places~ Ate lunch at Macau Tower. The tour guide v lol. Bungee jumping = 笨猪跳 HAHAHAHAHA!!! Boooooooo it was raining >:( Next, we went to the Venetian thingy. Ahhhh super cool artificial sky! BOF went there to film too. And I saw the casino :) Ate KFC at 10pm o_O Tbh, Singapore's fastfood > hk fastfood, really. Shoped for AWHILE. Nth to shop, all closed alr... Pokerpoker. Then suddenly I suggested a pillow fight. Woah everyone high, funnnnnnnnnn!!!!!! Screamed like nobody's business again. Sleep!
Day 5:
Ahhhhhhhhhhh. The weather was asdfghjkl cold ytd. Went to eat breakfast at 8plus. Again, vvvvv salty. Walked around, and slowly, all the shops started opening. Wooooot, finally bought my school bag. And some other stuff. Booooo, cold until I wanted to bang wall. Jiawei and his bro really v fail sia, everyday sleep like pig, cant wake up for breakfast ahaha. Reached hk airport at around 1PM. Ate macs hehe. Not bad. Mum requested for no salt for fries, but idk why its still so salty lol -.- 4hrs flight, watched Eat, Pray, Love halfway and slept. Reached sg and cabbed home lalala.
Booooooo, my ears are STILL blocked since ytd night >:( Leaving home in an hour to vivo > habourfront! Going to cruise with Jiawei's fam + Branden. WOOHOOOOOOOOOO, BRENNA'S NOT COMING YEHAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have no idea how happy Jiawei and I are. During the hk trip, nana was asdfghjkl irritating. Bueytahan seriously. She's 6y.o but why the hell is she sooooooooooo childish??! So we wanted to come up with a code for her. We started talking about Reborn!, like what characters we dislike. So we both disliked Bluebell, and so we named nana Pinkbell hahaha lameshit! Ite we named ourselves Shitbell and Poopbell. HAHA, changing fb name with Jw soon.
Kkkkk, leaving house soon. Ass sis. She can bring her friend to the cruise. Next time I wanna bring a friend too. Who wants to go? >:)
Oh look, this is Bluebell.

Kthxbye. :)
Posted by BANGBANGBANG on Sunday, December 5 at 3:16 PM
Hellohellohello. I went around reading people's blog to find inspiration to blog. Some diulian people wanna stalk me sia, ask me to post! HAHAHAHA :P
Holidays are alright so far. Woohoo I can wait for next Sunday. 7 more days and I'm going to fly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So excited yay. Wah shit, idk what to type.
Saw Jieling's blog. I went to nex too! ..Last friday. Bro's birthday, dad took leave. (Wah I give up typing, shall go watch a few episodes of KHR first.)
LOL I need to meet mum at amk now, ending this post for now. Ayeeeeee, I sound stupid.